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What's a DAO?

What’s a DAO?

Well, it’s not a company, corporation, or an LLC. In fact, it’s not like any kind of business structure we’re accustomed to. As most organizations have vertical, top-down structures: CEOs, executive staff, then managers, and finally a slew of employees underneath…. DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, organize their power horizontally; decision-making is therefore, theoretically anyway,

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Qortal Blockchain Project – What is the Qortal Project?

The Qortal Project is a new concept of utilizing blockchain technology in order to provide infrastructure for virtually any ethical system to be built upon. Qortal’s codebase is written completely from scratch other than some minor implementations from the QORA

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Decentralization: Crypto and the Widening Gyre

“Turning and Turning in the widening gyre. The falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things falls apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” -William Butler Yeats These above lines from Yeat’s poem The Second Coming, serve

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Heidi from Crypto Tips Discusses Staking

Heidi from Crypto Tips gives some great advise about staking in this video.  She goes over some of the criteria to think about to when evaluating a coin for staking, which is imperative to anyone doing research on a coin

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Blockchain Explained

Blockchain Explained

When it comes to technology, we rarely ask about the nuts and bolts cranking within the machine. Yet, with cryptocurrency and the blockchains they are built upon, it’s important to understand the machinery behind the hype. Cryptocurrencies are still in

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Explore the Categories

Alt Coins

Once you dip your toes into the Bitcoin waters, there is an ocean of opportunity in alt coins. Simply put, an alt coin is any coin other than Bitcoin. The different categories of alt coins are discussed here, along with some in depth analysis on projects.


Bitcoin is a bank in cyberspace, run by incorruptible software, offering a global, affordable, simple, & secure savings account to billions of people that don’t have the option or desire to run their own hedge fund.

Crypto Wallets

Your interface into the world of decentralization begins with a crypto wallet. In this section, the different kinds of crypto wallets are discussed, along with reviews of crypto wallets.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

If you are interested in tokenized digital assets, aka NFTs; what they are and how they work. Here is your guide along with some reviews of web sites, and tradeable NFTs.


Cryptocurrencies are revolutionary, in that they will free us from a dying centralized economic system of surveillance capitalism, and also us to build a new internet, an internet 3.0 where every voice can share in an equal balance of power. This section enumerates the stories, projects and happenings that impact our sovereign digital future.

What Are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrency is your gateway into your economic sovereign future. Here we discuss the history of money leading up to cryptocurrency and describe all the benefits of crypto in relationship to the new blockchain economy.